Hello! My name is Michael. I am a junior programmer/web developer from Fredericton, New Brunswick. I have a Bachelors Degree in Computer Science from the University of New Brunswick. I have the most experience writing code in Java and python but enjoy learning new programming languages and technologies as well. I am a fast learner and am passionate about technology.



Todo List

Implemented a CRUD(Create, Read, Update, Delete) To-Do List using ReactJS bootstrap, yarn, HTML/CSS, JavaScript and Google Firebase realtime database. Used Google Firebase authentication services to create a user registration and login system.

Hosted on Google Firebase at https://to-do-list-11bbe.web.app/#/

Sample screenshot of NHL Sports Network showing the Montreal Canadiens roster and Nick Suzuki's stats.

NHL Sports Network

Used the jQuery AJAX method to call the NHL API. Used JSON to parse returned data and JavaScript to put it into a readable format. Created a website using HTML/CSS and bootstrap to display content. Displays information about team rosters, schedules, players, and more.

Hosted on Microsoft Azure at https://brave-flower-001b1dd10.1.azurestaticapps.net/


Wordle Clone

Used Java to develop a clone of the popular game Wordle. Created a GUI using javax Swing. Program will randomly pick a word from a file to use for each game and give the user 6 attempts to guess it.



Bachelor of Computer Science, Univeristy of New Brunswick. April 2021

Relevant Coursework: Introduction to Computer Programming in Java I and II; Algorithm Design and Analysis I and II; Introduction to Databases; Network Security; Calculus I, II and III.

Work Experience

Consultant, PLATO. January 2023 - Present

  • ⚪ Used SQL Server Management Studio, Azure Databricks and Azure Data Studio to execute SQL queries to validate data integrity between tables in a Gold-Silver-Bronze medallion architecture.

  • ⚪ Used WebDriverIO, Cucumber and TypeScript to run automated test cases.

  • ⚪ Performed various other testing and development related tasks for projects.

Office Assistant, Eastern Designers. June 2019 - September 2019

  • ⚪ Worked on a modernization project to scan old paper engineering drawings into electronic versions on a computer.

  • ⚪ Organised scanned drawings once completed and uploaded completed drawings onto a web server for future use.

Junior Software Tester, IONA Software Solutions. June 2016 - September 2016

  • ⚪ Worked with a small team to execute manual test cases on a large software system.

  • ⚪ Actively participated in daily scrum meetings and addressed issues that were found in the software.

  • ⚪ Used Jira to log and track the progress of bugs.

Technical Skills

Languages: Java, Python, C/C++, SQL(MySQL), JavaScript/TypeScript, HTML/CSS

Frameworks: React, NodeJS, WordPress, Cucumber, WebDriverIO, Django, Flask

Developer Tools: Git, Eclipse, Visual Studio Code, SQL Server Management Server, Databricks, BlazeMeter

Libraries: pandas, NumPy, Matplotlib

To download a PDF of my resume, click here

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Michael Spencer